Distance Reiki Session

Distance Reiki Session

30 minute session

This session is performed in the comfort of your own home. Receive the benefits of Reiki, no matter where you are, to help you find balance & harmony within your physical, mental & spiritual bodies from the comfort of your own space.

During your session we will work on releasing and clearing any energy that is no longer serving you, to support you in feeling lighter, calmer and more connected During the session, I recommend finding A quiet and comfortable space for you to sit or lay down to receive set the intention to be open to receiving. You may dim the lights, light a candle & play soft meditation music. Anything that allows you to feel relaxed and at peace in your space.

After your session I will follow up with an email providing you with insights on your current energy state, along with any blockages found that could be affecting your life. I will provide you with guidance and spiritual tools that can support you on your journey.

After your session I will follow up with an email providing you with insights on your current energy state, along with any blockages found that could be affecting your life. I will provide you with guidance and spiritual tools that can support you on your journey.

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